How to Improve the Bond Between You and Your Dog

The special bond between humans and their canine pals is priceless. Throughout history, we humans have expressed deep affection for these furry quadrupeds to such a degree that we can’t imagine, or honestly don’t want to, a life devoid of their company.

However, we are different species, so how do we improve our bond with another animal that cannot fully understand what we are saying or even doing? Here are some tips to help you and your dog feel the love.

Always Make Time for Your Dog

Being a human is hard; we certainly live in a world away from the life of a dog. Working long hours, looking after the family, and juggling hobbies and commitments, it’s all very time-consuming. No matter how busy the day gets, one of the big rules of being a happy dog owner is always to make sure you make time for them.

From morning cuddles to evening walks—long play sessions and naps in the middle of the day. The point is that bonds are created with the time we give to the ones we love, especially our fur babies. Even if the day is hectic, maybe consider taking little Fido with you on your daily adventures, if it is permitting. No matter how you plan to spend your time, remember there is never a bad excuse for a quick cuddle with a little fur baby.

Get to Know Your Dog

Getting to know your dog is a lot like getting to know a friend. If you don’t take the time to learn their likes, dislikes and little habits, the bond won’t be that great. Growing a bond is growing an understanding. Finding out his favourite meat and surprising him with it on his birthday, or always making sure his favourite little fox toy is ready at playtime, can make a huge difference to your relationship.

While dogs are not the fussiest creatures, they still have just as many emotions and feelings as we do; remembering this can make your friendship unbreakable. While we should avoid pampering the pooch too much, there is no harm in taking him down his favourite walking route or slipping him that treat he still dreams of every night. Listen to your dog as much as your dog listens to you at dinner time.

Avoid Becoming an Overbearing Parent

It doesn’t matter if we meet our dogs when they are a puppy or more distinguished; dog parents always worry about their pups. Despite not being anywhere close in genetics, raising a pup can feel a lot like raising a child of your own. It’s so easy to worry about everything they do, turning day trips away and work into a huge panic session. We leave a part of our hearts with our pups the moment we leave them.

However, dogs are pretty versatile; they are survivors and descend from some pretty powerful predators. As long as you remove the usual risks like chocolate and the post, they will likely be ok. Overprotecting a dog can lead to separation anxiety and stress when you are not around or are just in the next room, which will only cause unnecessary worry for both parties and a less healthy bond.

Be Your Dog’s Bestie

Humans are very social, and so are dogs, so it makes sense that the bond will strengthen if you spend time together and grow together. Don’t be afraid to go out and explore with your furry friend, or be his personal cheerleader when he is getting a little bit scared about meeting new friends. Make memories together and help each other through the bad times.

Giving that extra bit of moral support, going through training together and learning about the world will help your bond grow and come with a level of personal improvement on both sides. It’s a win-win situation.

Be Prepared for any Doggy Situation

Have you ever referred to your dog as a toddler because? Let’s face it; they can be pretty similar in character at times.

Ensuring that you know what to do in case your dog gets sick, having the proper documents at arm’s reach, and keeping a tiny little doggy first aid kit are the fundamentals of being prepared. As with any dependent, we need to be ready to fight for those who can’t.

Things like wrapping up your little pooch on those cold walks in booties or a jumper. Or bringing some nice cool water with you on the warmer nights are things that any pooch will appreciate. Whether you are going on holiday, to the vet, or work, consider what your pooch will need, and you’ll be sure to be smothered in wet kisses.

The cheat sheet to this is straightforward, the more quality time you spend with your dog, the more your bond will flourish.

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