How To Stop A Dog From Chewing His Bed

A white with brown color chihuahua biting and playing with a toy

Chewing is a natural instinct for dogs. It’s part of our role as pet owners to understand what our dogs are gnawing on and the reason behind it. If you’ve noticed your dog chewing its bed, there’s probably a motive. This article will delve into the reasons why dogs might gnaw on their beds and suggest ways to deter this behavior.

Why Do Dogs Chew Their Beds?

Dogs chew their beds for a variety of reasons. If your dog is chewing its bed, it’s important to figure out the underlying cause so you can address it.

A Dog Chewing Their Bed May be Teething

Dogs chewing on their bed may be teething and need something to chew on. If your dog is teething, you can give it a toy to chew on or buy a bed specifically made for teething dogs.

Dogs have 42 teeth. When teething, they need something to chew on to help cut their teeth and gums. Puppies start teething at about 3-4 months old. They will lose their baby teeth and grow their adult teeth.

Adult dogs usually have permanent teeth by about 9-12 months old. If your dog is teething, you can give it a toy or chew bone that it can chew on or buy it a bed specifically made for dogs who are teething.

Destructive Chewing due to Boredom

Dogs are known to chew on various objects in their environment, and this may include their bed. Dogs may chew their beds for a few reasons, one of which is boredom. If a dog is left alone for long periods, they may chew on their bed as a way to relieve boredom.

Dogs Chewing Their Bed Because of Anxiety

Anxiety and stress are common problems for dogs. In some cases, dog chews their beds as a way to relieve the anxiety or stress they are feeling. Chewing is a natural behaviour for dogs and can help them to calm down and relax.

If your dog is chewing his bed, it may be because he is anxious or stressed. You can do several things to help reduce your dog’s anxiety or stress, including providing him with plenty of exercises, using positive reinforcement training techniques, and using calming supplements such as lavender oil.

Bed Chewing is a Way to Relieve a Dog’s Pain

Dogs may chew their beds as a way to relieve pain. A study by the University of Bristol found that dogs suffering from arthritis or other joint problems were likelier to chew on objects in their environment, including their bed. The act of chewing helped to relieve the pain they were feeling.

A dog looking scared or anxious

Dogs May Chew Their Beds to Get attention from Their Owners

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of dogs who chew their beds. While there are many reasons why a dog might do this, one of the most common is that they are trying to get attention from their owners.

Dogs often chew their beds when they feel lonely or bored, and by doing so, they hope their owners will come over and interact with them. Chewing can also be a way for dogs to release stress or anxiety, which can be very comforting. If your dog is chewing his bed, it’s important to try to figure out why he’s doing it and address the underlying issue.

Dog Chewing, Their Bed, Can be a Sign of Territory Marking

Dogs may chew their beds as a way to mark their territory. Dogs often chew on objects in their home to leave their scent behind and claim that space as their own. This is especially common in puppies still learning where they belong in the pack hierarchy.

If your dog is chewing his bed, it’s not necessarily a sign that he’s unhappy with his living situation – he may just be trying to tell the world that this is his turf.

Ways to Stop a Dog from Chewing His Bed

You can do a few things to help prevent your dog from chewing his bed. But before you do so, you must have identified the root cause of your dog’s compulsive chewing disorder to address the problem properly.

Try Using Chew-proof Dog Beds

Dog chewing on things is in their nature. This can be a problem when they start chewing on their bed. Not only is it a waste of money, but it can also be dangerous for the dog if he starts chewing on the bed’s stuffing.

A great way to prevent this from happening is to buy a chew-proof bed. These beds are made of materials that the dog can’t chew through, such as rubber or plastic. If your dog’s bed had been chewed on, you could try spraying it with a deterrent like bitter apple or citrus spray. This will make the bed taste bad and discourage the dog from chewing on it.

Train Your Dog Not to Chew on Dog Beds

A female dog owner training her dogs inside a chic bedroom

Dogs chew on things for various reasons, including boredom, anxiety, and teething. If your dog is chewing its bed, there are a few things you can do to discourage it from doing so. One thing you can do is put bitter apple or citronella spray on the bed.

You can also try putting a chew toy next to the bed to give him something else to chew on. If your dog is still chewing his bed, you may need to start disciplinary measures, such as withholding food or water until he stops chewing the bed.

Supply Your Dog with Plenty of Chew Toys

Dogs chew for many reasons: boredom, separation anxiety, teething, and hunting instinct. If your dog is bed-chewing, it could be because the dog is bored or anxious. One way to stop your dog from chewing his bed is to provide him with plenty of chew toys like stuffed animals, chew bones, chew sticks or soft but durable balls.

Dogs usually choose a toy to chew on instead of furniture or other items in the house. You can also try training your dog not to chew his bed by putting bitter apple spray on the bed.

Supervise When Your Pet When Near its Dog Bed

Dogs are known for being chewers. They love to gnaw on bones, toys, and furniture. Unfortunately, this includes their beds. If you don’t want your dog’s bed to get chewed on, it’s important to be vigilant when he’s near it.

Supervise your dog closely when he’s in the same room as his bed and ensure he doesn’t have any opportunity to take a bite out of it. If you see him start to chew on his bed, distract him with a toy or bone and praise him when he stops.

Keeping Bedding Away from Your Dog

If you have a dog that loves to chew his bedding, you may be looking for ways to stop him. One way is to keep the bedding away from him. This will remove the temptation and may stop him from chewing his bed.

You can try putting the bedding in another room or a crate. If your dog still has trouble resisting the temptation, you can use a deterrent such as bitter apple spray or cayenne pepper.

Replace the Dog Bed with Extra Durable Dog Beds

If your dog is chewing through their dog bed, it might be time to replace the bed. Not only is it frustrating when your dog destroys its bed, but it can also be dangerous for the puppy or dog if they ingest any of the stuffing. There are a few different types of beds that are chew-resistant, so do some research and find the best option for your puppies or adult dogs.

Crate Training to Stop Your Puppy

Dogs chew on things for a variety of reasons. Maybe they’re bored, anxious, or trying to relieve pain. When your dog starts chewing on his bed, it can be frustrating. You might feel like you’re doing everything wrong when he’s not listening to you. Crate training is a great way to stop your dog from chewing his bed and other destructive behaviours.

A lonely puppy inside a closed crate

When crate training your dog, you should never use it as a punishment tool. Dogs should see their crates as a safe place where they can relax and feel comfortable. Start by gradually introducing your dog to the crate.

Put treats or toys inside so he’ll be curious about it. Once he’s comfortable going inside, start closing the door for short periods. Gradually increase the time he spends there until he’s comfortable staying in the crate for extended periods.

Discipline Your Dog

Dogs will chew on anything and everything, including their bed. This can be a frustrating behaviour for pet parents, as it can mean costly replacements for beds and furniture. Luckily, there are some things you can do to help your dog stop this bad habit.

One way is to provide plenty of appropriate chew toys and bones. If your dog is still determined to chew his bed, you can use discipline to train him not to do so. Start by putting your dog in timeout for a minute or two every time he chews his bed.

You can also try spraying him with a water bottle or making a loud noise near him whenever he starts to chew. With patience and consistency, you should be able to help your dog break this bad habit.

In conclusion, a few things can be done to stop a dog from chewing his bed. One is to provide him with plenty of chew toys and ensure he gets enough exercise. Another is to replace the bed with something less appealing to the dog, such as a rubber mat. Finally, if all else fails, some repellents can be sprayed on the bed to keep the dog from chewing it.