A Guide to Making Your Own Healthy Homemade Dog Food

Dogs are mainly carnivorous, relying primarily on meat as their natural dietary source. It’s often the case that the commercially available dog foods are laden with grain and corn additives. These can potentially lead to health problems for dogs, including food allergies. You have the option to arrange the basic nutritional elements necessary for your dog’s diet on your own.

You can make your own healthy homemade dog food by following a few simple guidelines. Start by choosing high-quality protein sources, such as lean meats, poultry, and fish. You should also include plenty of fresh, raw vegetables and fruits.

You can also buy a portion of high-quality dog food containing all the essential ingredients for a healthy diet. However, remember that some foods are not suitable for dogs. For example, chocolate, onions, and grapes are toxic to dogs.

How Many Calories Do Dogs Need?

Dogs need about three times more calories than humans. The most important component of a dog’s diet is protein. Protein is essential for the body and can be obtained from meat, fish, eggs, nuts, and whole grains. One cup of cooked rice contains about 90 calories.

Dogs also need a healthy amount of fat, carbohydrates, and unsaturated fats to meet their calorie needs. Depending on the dog’s activity level, your dog may require more or fewer calories than the recommended amount. As with humans, the amount of calories a dog needs depends on size. The number of calories needed for smaller dogs is less than those needed by larger dogs. Below are the recommended caloric intake for dogs.

Caloric Needs

Dogs need to eat more calories than humans because of their higher metabolism and body mass (weight). The amount of calories needed depends on your dog’s size and breed, but a small dog typically needs less than a large dog. A pound dog requires more calories than a pound human because of the difference in weight. Your dog’s daily caloric intake depends on its size, age, and physical activity level.

Dogs with higher activity levels need more calories than the less active ones. Dogs should be fed twice a day, but if your dog eats less than that amount, it may not be getting enough calories. If you feed your dog too much food, it can become overweight and obese. Your veterinarian can help you determine the right amount for your dog to eat.

High-Quality Diet

Feeding your dog a high-quality diet and proper portion sizes is more important than the number of calories your dog consumes. A high-quality diet has the right amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients for your dog’s age and breed.

To stay healthy and active, dogs need to eat a diet containing carbohydrates such as grains and legumes and proteins such as meat and fish. Carbohydrates provide the energy dogs need for exercise. A dog’s diet should be free of excessive amounts of fat, as this can lead to obesity. Excessive fat in the diet can cause liver problems, pancreatitis, and other serious health issues.

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The amount of protein your dog needs depends on his age and size. Dogs require approximately 20 per cent of their diet to be protein, while the remaining 80 per cent should consist of carbohydrates and fats. A dog’s daily protein requirements range between 10 and 25 per cent.

Core Ingredients for Canine Nutrition

Some people think introducing protein to your dog can give you a more varied, optimum homemade diet. A dog needs a minimum of 6 nutrient intake to thrive. However, this guideline should help you keep your dog’s nutrition in balance.

Start with a Base of Your Own Dog Food

Dogs are carnivores, and their natural diet consists of mostly meat. However, commercial dog food is often loaded with grains, fillers, and other unhealthy ingredients. This can lead to health problems for your pet. A better alternative is to make your own healthy food for your dog. It’s easy to do, and you can customize the recipe to suit your dog’s needs. There are many different dog food brands available. You can purchase premade raw dog food or make your homemade dog food.

Raw Meat

The main ingredient in raw dog food recipes is raw meat. Raw food diets are the healthiest for your pet and allow them to receive all of the essential nutrients that they need. It’s also a lot more cost-effective than purchasing commercial dog food. Meat is the best source of protein for your dog. Protein is essential to your dog’s health.

It helps build and repair muscle tissue, keeps their skin, hair, and nails healthy, and helps them maintain a healthy body weight. Raw muscle meat is the main type of meat used in raw dog food. Muscle meat is an animal’s muscle tissue found in its heart, liver, kidneys, and other internal organs. Meat is an excellent source of protein, and it’s also packed with vitamins and minerals that are essential for your dog’s health.

All meats have been processed to be safe as human food. However, some meats are harder to digest than others. These include hard, chewy meats like chicken necks, raw meaty bones, and feet.

Raw muscle meat is one of the most digestible meats, so it’s usually the first choice for raw diets. It’s also a great source of protein that is easy for your dog to digest, and it has all the essential amino acids your dog needs to thrive. Raw muscle meat contains about 75% protein, which is perfect for dogs. When you feed raw muscle meat, your dog gets all the nutrients it needs to be healthy and thrive.

Raw muscle meat is an excellent source of protein for your dog. It’s also an excellent source of vitamins and minerals essential for dogs to thrive. It is also a great source of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids essential for dogs. Most dogs don’t get enough omega 3 and 6 fatty acids in their diet, so it’s really important to give your dog raw muscle meat as part of a healthy diet.

Choose Your Protein

Protein is an important part of a dog’s diet. Don’t give your dog too much protein, though. Very active dogs can get too much protein and become sick or even die if it is overfed. First, you need to find out how much protein your dog needs.

This is different for every dog.

The best way to do this is with a clinical blood test. If your dog is not feeling well and needs to lose weight, you need less protein. If a dog is active and needs more energy, you need to feed more protein. The protein test is useful in determining how much protein your dog needs, but it’s not always accurate.

If your dog has an underactive thyroid gland, the test may make your dog appear to need more protein than he does. A negative test result does not mean that your dog is getting enough protein. A negative result may mean that your dog is getting too much protein and should eat less.

So, what’s the best way to figure out how much protein your dog needs?

The first step is to determine how much protein your dog will consume if he has no food restrictions. Your veterinarian will determine this amount by checking your dog’s urine for protein and then determining how much your dog will consume in a day.

Then, work backward to determine the grams of protein your dog should be eating each day if he has no food restrictions. For example, if your dog weighs 40 pounds and consumes 0.2 grams of protein per pound daily without food restriction, he should eat 8 ounces of dog food each day (40 lbs x 0.2 grams).

If he weighs 60 pounds, he should eat 12 ounces of dog food daily (60 lbs x 0.2 grams). And so on.

The formula for calculating protein requirements is:

(Bodyweight in pounds) x (0.2 grams of protein per pound) = Protein Requirement in grams

How to Calculate

  • Calculate calories and fat requirements for the dog

1 kcal = 1,000 calories = 1,000 calories = 4,186 kilojoules

The formula for calculating caloric needs is: (Bodyweight in pounds) x (0. 4186 kilojoules per pound) = Calories in grams

For example, if your dog weighs 40 pounds, he should eat: (40 lbs x 4186 calories) = 2,815 calories per day.

  • Calculate carbohydrates required for the dog

(1 gram of carbohydrate per pound) x (0. 4 grams of carbohydrate per pound) = Calories in grams

For example, if your dog is 60 pounds, he should eat (60 lbs x 1 gram per pound) x (0. 4 grams per pound) = 720 calories.


Fat is the energy of dog meals. They are a source of essential omega-3 fatty acids, which facilitate the intake of fats like B, D, or A. The fats protect organs, keep healthy blood cells, maintain body temperatures, and promote healthy nervous systems and muscles. In addition to the health benefits, fat can be very helpful for dogs.

Fat should form the smallest part of the diet; only the right amount will help with its health. A pup’s diet requires both omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.

Add in Some Veggies

Dogs are carnivores, so they should eat a diet high in animal protein. However, this doesn’t mean that they can’t also benefit from eating some vegetables. Adding raw vegetables to the diet of your dog can be a great way to improve their overall health.

Dog food is made up of many different ingredients. Some of these ingredients can be harmful to your dog, while others are necessary for them to be healthy. You must know what the ingredients in a dog’s food are. Dogs can eat a wide variety of ingredients.

Some of these ingredients are necessary to be healthy, while others should be avoided. Below is a list of the ingredients that are harmful to dogs and their health:

  • Wheat is one of the most common ingredients in dog food. It can cause your dog several health problems, such as pancreatitis, diabetes, and other diseases.
  • Corn is another commonly used ingredient in dog food. It can cause your dog several health problems, including diabetes and other diseases.
  • Soy is another common ingredient in your dog’s food.
  • Salt is another common ingredient in your dog’s food.
  • Chicken is an ingredient that dogs should avoid. It can cause your dog to have several health problems, including digestive disorders, cancer, and heart disease.
  • Beef is an ingredient that dogs should avoid. Even ground beef can cause your dog to have inflammatory bowel disease, liver disease, and pancreatitis.

Make Adjustments as Needed

The key to making healthy home-cooked dog food is to make adjustments as needed. Every dog is different, so what works for one dog may not work for another. Homemade dog food is very easy to make.

  • When adding the ingredients to your homemade dog food recipes, be sure to follow these steps:
  • Measure the correct portions of each ingredient and use the correct cooking method.
  • Mixing the ingredients properly is key to successful homemade dog food recipes.
  • You will also need to add vitamins and minerals to your homemade dog food.
  • Always use fresh ingredients for your dog’s homemade food.
  • Always test your homemade dog food and use it as soon as possible.

Many people now choose to make their dog treats instead of purchasing them at the store. If you are interested in making your dog treats, here are some helpful tips:

  • Select the proper ingredients.
  • Cut your meat into small pieces and place it in a bowl. Make sure the meat is dry with no fat or grease on it. You can add a little water if you like, but ensure no liquid is present in the bowl.
  • Add your dry and ingredients and mix well.
  • You can now add your treats to the dog’s bowl or put them in a dog cookies jar for the dog to enjoy later on.
  • Store your dog treats in the fridge for up to 5 days. 7. If you want to use homemade dog treats as training tools, ensure they are not fed before giving them to your dog.
  • If you want to use homemade dog treats as training tools, ensure they are not fed before giving them to your dog.

Transitioning from Commercial Dog Food

Most dogs do not struggle to get used to eating homemade food. If their body suffers from digestion problems, slowly mix homemade dog food with commercial foods. Increasing the homemade meals and decreasing commercial food or canned dog food will be gradual.

If your dog is vomiting or has diarrhoea, you should start introducing one new ingredient per week until they are adjusted properly to the new diet. For dogs with medical needs, consult veterinary nutritionists for guidance on the right supplement.

Also read: Best Hypoallergenic Dog Food

In Conclusion

Making your own healthy homemade dog food is a great way to ensure that your pet gets the best possible canine nutrition. Not only will this save you money, but it can also be fun to experiment with different recipes. So why not give it a try?

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