Give Your Dog a New Lease on Life with 5 Healthy Habits

Dogs are commonly seen as man’s greatest companion, but it is important to keep track of how you’re nurturing this relationship. Here are five nurturing practices that will not only boost your dog’s health and joy but also enhance your bond as a pet parent!

These five tips should help dogs live longer, healthier lives–and put more pep in their step!

Make Sure They Get Enough Exercise

Dogs are natural athletes, and all that pent-up energy is needed to keep them healthy and happy! The general rule of thumb is that dogs need one hour of exercise per day for every 15 lbs. they weigh. That may seem like a lot, but any dog can benefit from a walk through the park! If you can’t find time to take your dog for a walk, consider investing in a treadmill that’s built especially for dogs.

Feed Them the Proper Diet

Dogs need lots of protein and fat in their diets–like any athlete–but feeding them table scraps may not be such a good idea. The problem with table scraps is that not only can they be fattening, but they also may contain ingredients your dog’s body cannot digest and process well (such as onion and garlic). So make sure you talk to a vet or animal nutritionist about the best type of food for your pet–because they are what keep them healthy!

Keep Their Fur Clean and Groomed with Regular Brushing or Combing (depending on the coat type)

Dogs are naturally spotless animals, but you still need to take time to brush or comb them into your daily schedule. Long-haired breeds typically need more grooming than short-haired ones, but the bottom line is that you should still take the time to brush them to remove any mats and tangles in their fur. Dogs with mats and traps tend to break into uncomfortable sores that can become infected, which is not suitable for their health or image!

Give Them Lots of Love and Attention

Dogs are pack animals, so they do best when they have a loving family to take care of them and provide constant companionship. Dogs that feel lonely and neglected also tend to develop behavioural problems, so make sure you set aside some time each day to give your pet some love and affection!

Make Sure They Don’t Eat Anything Poisonous

Dogs may enjoy chewing on things they shouldn’t, so take the time to check around your house for anything poisonous. Dogs will even try to eat toxic houseplants–so be careful! Make sure all pesticides and other chemicals are kept well out of their reach, or you may have a sick pet on your hands.

In Summary

Dogs are natural athletes, and all that pent-up energy is needed to keep them healthy. The general rule of thumb is that dogs need one hour of exercise per day for every 15 lbs they weigh. If you can’t find time to take your dog for a walk, consider investing in a treadmill that’s built especially for dogs.  

Dogs also require lots of protein and fat in their diet–like any athlete–but feeding them table scraps may not be such a good idea because it could contain ingredients they cannot digest or process well (such as onion). Make sure you talk with an animal nutritionist about the best type of food for your pet!

Dogs are naturally spotless animals but still require some grooming, like brushing or combing (if they have long or short coats). It is also essential to make sure they don’t eat anything poisonous like pesticides. Dogs will try to eat houseplants, so be careful around your home!

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