Commonly referred to as the lop-eared dog or Scottish drover, the long-eared dog is a cattle herding breed that has been in use for centuries to herd sheep and cows. These dogs are characterized by their hanging ears and large paws. They typically have a blue coat that contrasts with white spots frequently found on their chest and sometimes on other parts of their body as well.
Their coat usually has two layers: a thick undercoat that provides warmth and an outer layer that repels water. Long-ears can be any size from 10 lbs to 100+lbs (4 – 45 kg), but most often, they range between 30 – 65 lbs (14 – 29 kg). Shepherds bred these dogs to work independently without requiring close supervision; Scottish drovers valued them because of this trait.
Many people believe that these dogs originate from the Scottish Highlands, but shepherds developed the breed in England. The long-eared dog is closely related to other spaniel breeds, such as the English Springer Spaniel and Welsh Corgi. This article will explore more information about this unique dog breed, including its history and place among other dog breeds.
Physical Characteristics and Temperament of Long Ears
Long-eared dogs have a variety of physical characteristics that set them apart from most other breeds. For one thing, these dogs’ floppy ears require regular cleaning to prevent them from becoming soiled with faeces or other debris—the breed’s tail curls over the dog’s back, similar to that of a corgi.
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Their hind legs are longer than their front ones, giving them an S-shaped gait when they run. They have webbed paws for swimming and for walking through dirty wet areas. Long-ears’ coats can be any colour, but they are usually blue or liver in tone.
Long-eared dogs have a friendly and affectionate demeanour towards humans. They tend to bond closely with their owners and form a solid attachment with the entire family. They are brilliant and easy to train, though they can sometimes become stubborn if the owners present conflicting commands.
Long-eared dogs love to work and spend time with their handlers. They like to help humans in any way they can, such as by herding flocks of animals or carrying packs while hiking. Most importantly, these dogs are very protective of their people; many owners employ them to guard herds and property because of this trait.
Long-eared dogs need lots of exercise and do best in open spaces with room to run and play. They enjoy both hot and cold weather and can live in most climates. If these dogs don’t get enough exercise, their energy will find other outlets such as barking or chewing, which can be annoying for most people.
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How to Care for Long-eared Dogs
Long-eared dogs need regular grooming to keep their coats healthy and free of debris. Their floppy ears can be prone to ear infections, so owners need to clean them regularly and check them often for signs of infection. It is wise to keep long ears dry, avoid exposing these dogs to cold water and feed them low in carbohydrates to prevent ear problems.
Owners should also trim these dogs’ nails regularly because their longer front legs make the claws prone to splaying out. Most importantly, owners must train long-ears not to jump or climb on people or furniture because they are firm for their size. Training this breed not to jump and to remain calm during vet visits is also vital to maintaining their overall health.
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Long-eared dogs need lots of exercises because they are very high-energy. Many owners take them on long daily walks or allow them to run free off-leash in open areas so they can play hard. These dogs can pull carts, enjoy bike riding, and can be taught to jump through tires. In addition, these dogs are vulnerable to various health problems such as canine hip dysplasia, and they may also develop cataracts in old age.
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Feeding and General Care of Long Ears
Long-eared dogs’ diets should be high in protein and low in carbohydrates. Their food should consist of 50-55% meat and animal products and 30-40% vegetables, with only 5-10% grains or other carbohydrates.
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These dogs need lots of exercise and nutrients because they are prone to obesity. If long-eared dogs gain too much weight, it can lead to all sorts of health problems and significantly reduce their lifespans.
These dogs’ diets can consist mainly of raw food or cooked food, though owners must always check with their veterinarians before changing their feeding routines. Owners should provide plenty of freshwaters for these dogs to drink. If they live in hot climates, this breed should be provided with shade and access to cool water at all times.
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They Require Routine Vet Checkups
Long-eared dogs require routine vet checkups to ensure they remain healthy and free of infections, parasites, and diseases such as hip dysplasia. These dogs are prone to some digestive issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome, and owners must watch their diets to prevent these problems from occurring.
In addition, long-eared dogs must be protected from frostbite during the winter months as they have very little body fat, and the cold can easily affect them. These dogs may overheat in some warm climates, so owners need to monitor their temperatures and provide them with extra water in hot weather.
Some Facts About Long-Eared Dogs
- Long-eared dogs are brilliant. However, they are not always open to new experiences or accepting of strangers. They are loyal to their people and families but suspicious of everyone else. These dogs need socialization from a young age to become well-rounded companions.
- Long-eared dogs can be very affectionate with their family members while remaining aloof with others. They enjoy spending time with their owners and do not typically jump on people, though they may sometimes knock children over without meaning to.
- Long-eared dogs tend to get along well with other canines, but it is best to be introduced to strange dogs early so each pet can establish dominance. These dogs may have dominance issues with other pets they were not trained to at an early age.
- Long-eared dogs are common throughout Europe though some breeds may be more prevalent depending on the region. These dogs originated in Central Asia thousands of years ago. They arrived in Europe sometime between 400 BC and 200 AD, where they became trendy among Middle Eastern people because of their ability to work in harsh desert climates where no other dogs could survive.
- In the Middle East, long-eared dogs were also used for riding and hunting, while in Europe, they served as shepherds and livestock guardians. In addition, these dogs have been used by many different cultures throughout history as guards, hunters, and companions.
- These dogs are brilliant, trainable, and versatile. They are incredibly loyal companions with a keen understanding of what is expected of them by their owners.
- These dogs’ coats come in red, black, white, brown, grey, yellowish tan or pale cream colours. Their hair can be short or long depending on the breed type, and their ears may stand straight up or hang beside their faces. Males and females look very similar, and their weight varies depending on the dog’s size and breed type.
- These dogs typically live between 12-15 years though some may live as long as 17 years. They are very healthy breeds with few genetic disorders, but they can suffer from hip dysplasia and skin allergies. No other conditions commonly affect these dogs, though they may experience eye problems such as cataracts or glaucoma.
- Long-eared dogs require very little grooming in terms of the length of their hair, but they do need to be brushed regularly to remove any tangles or mats to prevent skin problems.
- These dogs should be provided with shade and access to cool water at all times as they are susceptible to high temperatures and humidity levels.
- Long-eared dogs are sometimes called “desert” or “mountain” breeds because they have been used in the Middle East and Central Asia for centuries.
Long-eared dogs are a unique and versatile breed that make for excellent pets, but they do have some specific needs in terms of food, and shelter from the cold or heat. They can be affectionate companions to their families once socialized with other people and animals at an early age. However, they may need training if you want them to behave well around others.
These intelligent dogs require regular brushing to prevent skin problems and access to fresh water at all times–especially during hot summer months when it is difficult for these long-haired breeds to regulate their body temperature. If you’re considering getting a new pet, consider adopting one of these fantastic creatures!