How Do Puppies Eventually Calm Down?

You could be wondering if the answer to this question is as simple as it seems, and surprisingly, you’re not alone! Grasping puppy behaviour can often be a complex job and can frequently leave those who aren’t as familiar with them, perplexed. This article will explore how puppies progressively become tamed over time – looking at the major signs, development timeline, and so much more!

The Difference Between Puppies and Adult Dogs

To begin, it is important to understand that puppies do not experience the world in the same way an adult dog does. Puppies are often excitable, curious creatures who will jump on anything they come across. They are very likely to greet both friends and strangers with their tails held high and a wagging tail, accompanied by a happy bark.  This shows excitement and the desire for playtime-not an attempt at intimidating or invading their personal space!

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As puppies move through life, they learn from everything that is going on around them. As owners interact with puppies, they can model calm behaviour and (unfortunately) fearful behaviour.  This is why it is essential for puppy parents to always behave in a calm, relaxed manner-they are teaching their puppies that this behaviour is appropriate and expected.

When an adult dog experiences something scary or threatening, it will not act like a frightened (or excited!) little puppy. They will likely greet the scary situation with a total body freeze, sometimes accompanied by flattened ears or even an averted gaze.  This is called submissive behaviour, and this type of response may appear to be fear-and in some cases; it is!

The difference between puppy behaviour and adult dog behaviour can help us understand how puppies eventually calm down.  Adult dogs usually settle quickly when experiencing something they perceive as frightening, but puppies learn to be calm over time!

How Do Puppies Calm Down Over Time?

Puppy parents often wish for a calm, relaxed, mature dog-but how do they get there?  Most dogs will begin to settle as they approach adulthood.  At this stage in their lives, puppies have learned from all the experiences they’ve been exposed to and are slowly starting to calm down.  This is the time where you will begin to see adult dogs settle quickly, even in new or unfamiliar situations.

Related read: How to Introduce a New Dog to Your Pack

To help your puppy mature into an adult dog who calms down quickly, be sure to expose them to as much as possible!  Go on leisurely walks through new neighbourhoods and parks – enjoy playing in your backyard or at the park!  You can even try taking them to a local dog-friendly store or a doggy daycare.  Make sure you take lots of pictures and videos along the way. This is one adventure they will love to look back on!

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At this stage, it may seem like your puppy has learned to calm down.  However, one of the essential parts of growing up is testing their boundaries!  Keep an eye on them and make sure they are not becoming too comfortable with behaviour like barking, jumping or general rowdiness (across all situations).  

If you see your puppy acting in this fashion, gently remind them with a firm “no” and avoid repeating the behaviour.  After all, you want your dog to understand that this is not an acceptable way to act!

What to Do If My Puppy is Not Calming Down as They Grow Up?

While most dogs will show signs of calm behaviour by adulthood, some puppies do not.  For these dogs, it is essential to learn how to relax and relieve their stress levels before they become frustrated or frightened.  Some owners choose to enrol in a training class for this purpose: positive reinforcement training can be a highly effective method of helping your dog learn to settle quickly!

Another way to help your puppy calm down is by rewarding their good behaviour!  In the same way, we use treats or toys to reward our dogs for sitting or laying down; we can also train our pups to relax.  Try rewarding them with a treat every time they stretch out on their side in a relaxed pose-this will help them learn that resting is an excellent way to make everyone happy!


Puppies and dogs grow up quickly and will eventually settle down-but not before they learn how to handle their emotions effectively.  The time you spend with your dog is essential, so explore new places and situations together as often as possible!

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