Spanish Dog Breeds

Are you looking for a new dog companion?

If so, then have I got the perfect list of dogs just for you! Five breeds hail from Spain and are unique in appearance and personality. They all have their own special characteristics, so do you know which one is the right for you? Read on to find out!

Sabueso Español

This dog is a great companion for people who crave a watchful eye but not a hyper-watchful eye. This breed is very close to its family and will only play outside of the home with many other dogs. It’s also important to note that this dog can be stubborn at times.

The Sabueso Español is a great family dog because it loves to play with kids and is very affectionate. There are some things to keep in mind if you’re thinking about getting this breed, though, like the fact that they shed year-round. As for health issues, this dog has no major diseases or conditions.

Breed Group: Hound Dogs

Average Life Span: 10-12 years

Cane Corso Italiano

This is the ultimate guard dog. It’s also fearless and territorial, so it will bark a lot to express itself. However, this breed is not for those with little experience training dogs because they are very stubborn.

The Cane Corso Italiano is a great family dog because it loves to play with kids and is affectionate. They do not like to be left alone for long periods of time, though, so make sure you can commit in that way. This breed has some health issues, including hip dysplasia, loose kneecaps, and heart problems.

Breed Group: Mastiff Dogs

Average Life Span:  7-10 years

Podenco Canario

These dogs are basically the European version of a coyote! If you’re looking for a loyal dog that’s also very energetic, then this is the breed for you.

The Podenco Canario is a great family dog because it loves to play with kids, but only if they are older than ten due to their high energy. These dogs can also be defensive around strangers, so make sure you socialize them well when they are puppies! This breed does have some major health issues, such as cataracts, progressive retinal atrophy, and patellar luxation.

Breed Group: Hound Dogs

Average Life Span:  10-12 years


This breed is very playful and loves to be the centre of attention! This is a great family dog because it’s very affectionate with kids but can also be independent.

The Puli is a great family dog because it loves to play with kids and has high energy levels. It’s also very affectionate around other people, so it enjoys being the centre of attention at all times! As for health issues, this breed has major ones like hip dysplasia, epilepsy, and eye problems.

Breed Group: Herding Dogs

Average Life Span:  12-14 years

Podengo Portugues

Does your family love to go on adventures? Then this is the perfect dog for you! This breed is inquisitive and loves exploring new territory. If you have a yard or live in an apartment, then this breed will enjoy running around and exploring just like their ancestors did in the wild.

The Podengo Portugues is a great family dog because it loves to play with kids and is very affectionate. This isn’t the best breed for first-time dog owners, though, because they can be stubborn at times. This breed does have some major health issues, which includes glaucoma and epilepsy.

Breed Group: Hound Dogs

Average Life Span:  14-16 years

Can Dogs from Spain be Used to Hunt?

Dogs from Spain can not be used to hunt. Dogs from Spain are often bred as hunting dogs, but today’s Spanish dog breed today’s Spanish dog breeds cannot be used to hunt. They were bred instead for a variety of purposes, such as companionship and herding livestock.

Best Way to Train a Spanish Dog

Training a dog is an art in itself. Be patient, consistent, and never lose your temper. With time, patience and consistency, almost any type of Spanish breed can become well-behaved so long as they live in the right environment. Treats and playtime will go a long way with these breeds.

The Type of Environment a Spanish Dog Breed Adapts to the Most Easily

These dogs adapt well to all environments, so if they have been socialized from an early age, they can adapt to anything even.

Tips for New Owners

These dogs adapt well to all environments so long as they have been socialized from an early age. Be sure to bring them out in public often when they are puppies to be comfortable around other people and animals by the time they are full grown. Feeding them high-quality food will also ensure that they stay healthy and fit.

Some Socialization Tips

Take your dog out of the house on a good day, as if it always wants to come with you and is very happy to see people and other dogs. Spend time with your dog and give it attention. If possible, try taking your dog with you on every trip you hope they will enjoy — grocery shopping, work break periods, etc. This was,y they know their own home environment and feel more confident in all environments outside the house.

Some Health Issues to Consider

All Spanish dog breeds share similar health concerns, such as progressive retinal atrophy, hip dysplasia, eye problems like glaucoma. They also tend to overeat because of their small stomachs, so be sure not to overfeed them. Make sure you provide your dog with adequate food and exercise to keep their weight healthy.

The Average Cost of a Dog from Spain

They need daily or weekly grooming because of their design, but they are deficient shed dogs, which makes them less expensive in terms of other breeds that need more attention from their owners from a grooming perspective. The costs will depend on what kind of dog from Spain you are interested in, so be sure to do your research before committing to one.

These dogs are unique in appearance and personality. They all have their own special characteristics, so do you know which one is the right for you? Training a Spanish dog requires patience and consistency but will pay off with well-behaved pets that adapt easily to any environment as long as socialized from an early age.

Dogs from Spain can not hunt; instead, these breeds were bred to have different purposes. These dogs are brilliant, so they are easy to train, but be sure to provide them with constant attention and socialization.


If you’re looking for a new pet, consider the Spanish dog breeds we’ve discussed in this article. As one of Spain’s oldest and most popular family pets, these dogs have been bred to be loyal companions with different purposes, such as herding livestock or hunting game birds.

They are knowledgeable and easy to train but can sometimes be stubborn, so they often socialize early. These dogs require more attention than other breeds because their hair is long and requires daily grooming; however, they will stay healthy and fit if properly cared for.

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